Glentoran FC

The Official website of Glentoran Football Club / Pride of East Belfast 



Health & Safety Policy

Health & Safety Policy

Glentoran Recreation Co Ltd recognises our duties and responsibilities as detailed in the Health and Safety at Work (Northern Ireland) Order 1978 and related legislation.

The Chairman and Board of Directors regard safety as an integral part of the activities conducted at our venue.

Command Structure

The following outlines the safety structure at the Oval Grounds and each of the positions listed below have a role in health and safety arrangements at the Oval grounds:

Mr. Colin Jess is the club Chairman. He has overall responsibility for health and safety arrangements at the Sports Ground. He will ensure that appropriate persons are appointed to devise and implement safety arrangements, and that suitable resources are made available to address safety related issues. He will promote a culture of safety within the organisation.

Mr. Jess will also chair a Safety Committee. It will comprise of Mr.Jess, Mr. John Moore (GFC 1882 Director) and Mr. Roger Clarke (Event Safety Controller). Other appropriately qualified personnel may be co-opted as required.

A match day Safety Advisory Group (SAG) may be called at any 1st team match at the Oval Stadium, consisting of the Chairman (Mr C.Jess), Safety Director (Mr J Moore), Director (Mr. C Davidson) the Event Safety and Security Manager (Mr R Clarke), the senior Police Office on duty at the Stadium and a representative of the visiting team (Chairman or Director).

The SAG will meet if a developing situation which has the potential to effect on the Health and Safety and /or Security of persons in the stadium occurs or is forecast, if time prior to the event allows. If the Safety and Security Manager makes a decision with the SAG meeting due to the urgency of the situation he will inform The Safety Director as soon as possible.

The Qualified Person is the Glentoran Recreation Co Ltd as defined in the Safety of Sports Grounds (NI) Order 2006, and will endeavour to ensure compliance with the Terms and Conditions contained in the Safety Certificate.

Event Safety Controller

The Event Safety Controller is Roger Clarke. He has control of all operational matters at the Oval Grounds, including safety related arrangements at specified activities.  He will ensure that Risk Assessments are carried out in relation to the safety of spectators and others at the Sports Ground.  He will implement the controls identified in the Risk Assessments.  He will draft management plans for the safety of spectators and ensure that they are implemented.  He will ensure a Contingency Plan is drafted, and tested.  He will ensure that all safety personnel are properly trained and briefed.  He will ensure the Sports Ground is inspected at appropriate times and ensure the terms and conditions of the Safety Certificate are followed.

He will report to the Safety Committee on all safety related issues, including the condition of the Sports Ground. His points of contact are the Chairman, Mr. Ian Kerr and directors, Mr. Stephen Henderson & Mr. John Moore.


Under the command of the Event Safety Controller will be Chief Steward, Harvey Johnston. He will follow the direction of the Event Safety Controller, monitor and direct the work of the stewards, and assist in the implementation of the safety plan for specified activities at the sports ground. He will communicate information to and from the Event Safety Controller to all relevant persons. 


Stewards will follow the direction of the Event Safety Controller in the implementation of the safety plan for specified activities at the venue.

Stewards will report to the relevant Chief Steward.

Other Staff

Other staff, including contract stewards and team security personnel, will follow directions given to them by the Event Safety Controller. They will undertake duties as directed by the Event Safety Controller or other identified person. 

They will report to the Event Safety Controller or other identified person.


Contractors will undertake the duties specified to them by the Event Safety Controller or other identified person.   They will provide Risk Assessments, Method Statements or other safety related documentation as requested.

They will report to the Event Safety Controller.

Arrangements for Ensuring Health and Safety

The Safety Arrangements at the Sports Ground will be based on the control measures identified in Risk Assessments carried out. The Event Safety Controller will arrange for Risk Assessments to be carried out in relation to the activities associated with the activities conducted at the venue, and in particular the arrangements to ensure the safety of spectators attending specified activities.

The arrangements for undertaking risk assessments are:

  • The Event Safety Controller will arrange for risk assessments to be undertaken
  • The findings will be reported to the Board
  • The Qualified Person will approve the control measures that are adopted
  • The Event Safety Controller and Qualified Person are responsible for ensuring all actions required are implemented
  • The Event Safety Controller and Qualified Person will check that the actions remove or reduce the risk
  • The Event Safety Controller will review the risk assessment.

The arrangements for providing safety training are:

  • The Event Safety Controller is responsible for organising training
  • The Event Safety Controller will ensure all training is appropriate
  • The Event Safety Controller will ensure training records are maintained
  • The arrangements for crowd management will be judged on a match by match basis, in line with the Procedure for Planning and Organising Soccer Matches document

The arrangements for the Planned Preventative Maintenance Programme are:

  • The Event Safety Controller will be responsible for drawing up the programme
  • The Event Safety Controller will ensure the appropriate persons undertake inspections and tests of the safety systems
  • The Event Safety Controller will maintain records of tests and inspections

The arrangements for drawing up a Medical Plan are:

  • The Event Safety Controller will be responsible for developing and monitoring the effectiveness of the plan
  • The Event Safety Controller will be responsible for maintaining a record of injuries to spectators

The arrangements for developing contingency plans are:

  • The Event Safety Controller will be responsible for this plan
  • The plan will be tested at least annually
  • The Event Safety Controller will arrange for the plan to be reviewed in the light of an incident